World Trade & Customs Directory 2023: Access to 10,000+ Senior Officials and Working-level Decision-makers Across the WTO, WCO, European Union, OECD, MERCOSUR, OAS, and NAFTA and APEC

The World Trade & Customs Directory is the world’s only specialized directory of trade and customs officials around the globe.

This Directory provides specialized information on government agencies, officials, and institutions throughout the world that regulate trade in goods and services. With its unique organizational charts and extensive directory listings of foreign officials, the World Trade & Customs Directory is an indispensable strategic resource for all international trade practitioners.

Its 1,200 pages help you understand and work with governments in over 110 major trading countries, as well as the World Trade Organization, the World Customs Organization, the European Union, the OECD, MERCOSUR, OAS, and the NAFTA and APEC Secretariats.

Detailed directory information gives you access to over 10,000 senior officials and working-level decision-makers. Entries include titles, names, reporting relationships, telephone, fax, email and URL addresses. Subscribers also receive online access to an updated version of the directory to keep them current on important changes in personnel.

Source : For m/ore Details

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