Registration- cum- Membership Certificate – RCMC

An exporter may, on application given in ANF 2C register and become a member of EPC. On being admitted to membership, applicant shall be granted forthwith Registration-cum-Membership Certificate (RCMC) of EPC concerned, in format given in Appendix 2R, . In case an exporter desires to get registration as a manufacturer exporter, he shall furnish evidence to that effect.

Prospective / potential exporters may also, on application, register and become an associate member of an EPC.

Applying for RCMC

While applying for RCMC, an exporter has to declare his main line of business in the application. The exporter is required to obtain RCMC from the Council which is concerned with the product of his main line of business.

In case an export product is not covered by any Export Promotion Council/Commodity Board etc., RCMC in respect thereof is to be obtained from FIEO. Further, in case of multi product exporters, not registered with any EPC, where main line of business is yet to be settled, the exporter has an option to obtain RCMC from Federation of Indian Exporters Organization (FIEO).

In respect of multi product exporters having their head office/ registered office in the North Eastern States, RCMC may be obtained from Shellac & Forest Products Export Promotion Council (except for the products looked after by APEDA, Spices Board and Tea Board).

In respect of exporters of handicrafts and handloom products from the State of Jammu & Kashmir, Director, Handicrafts, Government of Jammu & Kashmir is authorised to issue Registration Cum Membership Certificate (RCMC).

 Validity Period of RCMC

RCMC shall be deemed to be valid from 1st April of licensing year in which it was issued and shall be valid for five years ending 31st March of the licensing year, unless otherwise specified.

Intimation Regarding Change in Constitution of Business of RCMC holder

In case of change in ownership, constitution, name or address of an exporter, it shall be obligatory on part of RCMC holder to intimate such change to registering authority within a period of one month from date of such change. Registering authority, however, may condone delays on merits.

Exporter shall furnish quarterly return /details of his exports of different commodities to concerned registering authority. However, status holders shall also send quarterly returns to FIEO in format specified by FIEO.

 De- Registration

Registering authority may de-register an RCMC holder for a specified period for violation of conditions of registration. Before such de-registration, RCMC holder shall be given a show cause notice by registering authority, and an adequate and reasonable opportunity to make a representation against the proposed de-registration. Upon de– registration, concerned EPC shall intimate the same to all RAs.

 Appeal Against De-registration

A person aggrieved by a decision of registering authority in respect of any matter connected with issue of RCMC may prefer an appeal to DGFT or an officer designated in this behalf within 45 days against said decision and decision of appellate authority shall be final.

Identity Cards for Importers /Exporters

To facilitate collection of Authorisation and other documents from DGFT Head Quarters and RA, identity cards (as in Appendix 2W valid for 3 years) may be issued to proprietor/ partners / directors and authorised employees (not more than three), of importers and exporters, upon application in ANF 2B

In addition, Identity Card may also be issued by the applicant firms on their letterhead to the concerned employees. These Identity Cards may be countersigned by the concerned RA. However, application for identity card in ANF 2 B will require to be made by the applicant and all other parameters would need to be met.

In case of limited companies, RA may approve allotment of more than three identity cards per company. In case of loss of an identity card, a duplicate card may be issued on the basis of an self-declaration . RA may issue multiple identity cards, after recording reasons in writing, in cases of Directors/Partners of companies.